Friday 15 January 2021

Who knows where to go nowadays since we are in lockdown?


1/15/2021 22:33:21
Stijn Gabeler
Who knows where to go nowadays since we are in lockdown?
It's the 15th Januari 2021, Europe is in lockdown,
Brexit is a fact, people are getting sick from the covid measures.
Staying at home and finding new ways to work from home is the new reality.
Changes we needed to make for the environment are now easier to make.
What makes it easier to understand and accept this situation we are in?
Yoga, meditations, breathing exercises, listening to podcasts and trying to
do some daily exercises are the best and fastes ways to find some inner peace
during a painfull period in time.
The new year means new chances and choices,
Are we ready for new challenges?
Because first we have to deal with this virus.
The trouble of closing all stores, schools, and anything that is bringing people
together makes it harder for people to accept these changes we go through.
The vaccin is a fast and great solution for people who are older than 50.
I myself am 43, Vegan and always doing some daily exercises.
So my body tells me i can heal fast and be immune for virusses.
What comes in goes out fast enough. Shortterm sicknesses are solved
by eating lots of fruits, drinking juices and eating my daily vegetables.
Living as a vegan means you always take care and watch out for what you eat.
Doing exercises and creating a great and powerful body is a daily task.
Walking, Cycling, Playing tennis or swimming if the pools are open keep me fit.
Only sometimes when i sleep short and have a lot of thoughts and stress,
i need to find ways to sleep and find back my energy.
What is it most of the people do in the world?
Although many people believe that the vaccin might help them,
there are also people who really get sick by being vaccinated.
It takes time, lots of time to vaccinate the whole world.
The focus nowadays is on older people and medical-health-workers.
Doctors and nurses, but also other care-takers are working hard.
The whole world is watching and hoping for the best.
Still there is no proof it will help us all.
What happens to our immunity when we need a substance to fix this for us?
If your body isn't able to find a fix, a cure like a vaccin might be the solution.
Many campaigns tell us so. TV spots, Online commercials and lots of hours
of news and talk-shows with conversations about the coronavirus makes us
think that this is the solution. A commercial telling us: Vaccination is the solution.
But what do we know about the side-effects in the long run?
What happens to a population if the immunity gets less and less.
Fact is, we need to do more exercises, eat healthy and stress less.
Sleeping more might be the answer. This means staying at home longer, keeping a distance of other people and being able to restore and relax the body.
Take care and don't worry be happy. Love life and enjoy each moment.
It typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity
(protection against the virus that causes COVID-19) after vaccination.
That means it's possible a person could be infected with the virus that causes
COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and still get sick.
Things happen for a reason. What did you do today?
10:05:00 PM
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